Outdoor Gear Tents

5 Best Tents with Screened Porch for Different Seasons

Do you like more often? If the answer is YES, you know that having the best tent can improve your experience. Today, we will consider the best tents with screened porch to see how good they are and why you should consider getting them.

You no longer have to get the boring tents as before. Having a screened porch provides you with more room to hang out while at the same time being protected from bugs. Below is a table showing a quick summary of the different models you can expect to read about in the guide.

TentBrandExpert RatingCheck Price
Coleman WeatherMaster 6-Person Tent with Screen Room Check Price
Wenzel 8 Person Klondike Tent Check Price
Core 11 Person Family Cabin Tent with Screen Room Check Price
Outbound 8-Person Dome Tent for Camping with Screened Porch Check Price
NTK INDY GT 5 Person Camping Tent Check Price

How to Choose the Best Tents with Screened Porch

Tent Seasonality

Different tents are designed to work for different seasons. So, before choosing the best tents with screened porch, you have to understand your style.

The most common tents based on seasons include 3-season tents, 3-4-season tents, and 4-season tents.

The 3-season tents are the most popular in the market. They are built to be lightweight and offer the best performance for the summer, spring, and fall seasons. You will find them also having the best airflow and mesh panels to keep the bugs out. As much as they can withstand rain, they are not the best for harsh storms.

The 3-4-season tents are designed to extend the functionality of the 3-season tents. They will have better balance in ventilation, warmth retention, and more strength. You should find them very sturdy and able to withstand some harsh conditions.

If you want something that can handle fierce winds and harsh winters, choose the 4-season tents. As the name suggests, they can efficiently work for any season.

Peak Height

The peak height can determine how comfortable it feels when standing up in the tent. Some models with a tall peak height allow you to change your clothes while standing up.

The tents can be classified as cabin-style tents or dome-style tents based on the peak height.

The cabin-style tents come with near-vertical walls to help in maximizing the overall peak height and livable space in the tent. As for the dome-style tents, they are known to have wind-shedding abilities and superior strength. These are two essential features you would want in a tent.


You always have to consider the amount of space you get with the tent model. The best tents with screened porch need enough room for your needs. The area will determine how many people can comfortably sleep in the tent. For someone looking to camp with the whole family, it is excellent if you can spend a lot more to get a giant tent.

Tent Material

When getting yourself a tent, make sure that it is one of the best, depending on the material used to make it. A suitable material must remain durable and waterproof to handle the different outdoor weather conditions.

Even if your tent is not waterproof, it should come with a rainfly cover. This will help to cover your tent when the rain is expected. The last thing you want is to end up with a wet tent.

The seams of the tent need to be good also. If you have a great tent material, but the seams are weak, then the water will easily sip into the tent.

Ease of Use

There is no doubt you would want the best tents with screened porch to be easy to use. In this case, we mean the process of deploying and taking down the tent.

Such processes will vary from one tent model to another. Some can be easy, while others might need more time setting them up. Going through a few reviews can help you learn more about its usability and if it will be perfect for you.

Top 5 Best Tents with Screened Porch

Our Top Pick

Our Top Pick: Coleman WeatherMaster 6-Person Tent with Screen Room

Product Name: Coleman WeatherMaster 6-Person Tent with Screen Room

Product Description: Being a Coleman product, we can easily say that it would stand up to your needs for a durable tent. Looking at its construction, we like the protected seams. The inverted seams will improve the weather resistance of the tent by hiding the needle holes inside your tent. You can now use it in different weather types and it will stand up to your needs. The model is designed to cater for your needs for a large tent. Considering it can house up to 6 people, then you should find it being ideal for your family trips that you might decide to take. The tent still comes with a strong frame important for keeping the tent from being blown away by the wind. The frame has been redesigned over the years to make it ideal to handle any tough winds to ensure you get the best sleep without worrying that your tent might be blown away. As for the floors, the manufacturer made them to be waterproof. This is because there is the use of welding-inspired technology that will strengthen the tent floor. Also, this technology eliminates the needle holes.

Availability: InStock

  • Ease of Setting Up
  • Waterproof
  • Build Quality
  • Ventilation
  • Versatility


Those people who love to enjoy their time outdoors would love the screened porch. This is because it will have the protection that you need to keep the bugs out as you enjoy some fresh air out of the tent. This tent is still large enough to encourage more people to get into camping. The tent can fit 6 people at any given time.

The tent comes with several storage pockets. These are important for holding different supplies that you might need to get along. There is no doubt it will be a versatile tent to own.


✔️It comes with a screened porch to keep bugs out

✔️The model has multiple storage pockets

✔️It can handle different types of weather conditions


❌The poles tend to bend easily after a few months of use

Runner’s Up

Wenzel 8 Person Klondike Tent

If you are looking for the best tents with screened porch, then this is another model you can consider. Its superior weather armor is what you need when you want to camp more often. It is made using polyester fabric and polyurethane water-resistant coating. As such, you end up with a tent protected from rain top to bottom.

The tent also stands out for having superior craftmanship. This is thanks to having double-stitching. The lap-felled seams also improve the overall durability of the tent. All the threads, webbing, and zippers are water repellant to make it even more durable.

The model is also designed to be comfortable. This is thanks to a complete mesh roof that allows for the best breathability and mesh windows to keep the bugs out. Having the screen room helps you relax without worrying about the bugs eating you up.

It is built to be a durable tent for years of use. The shock-corded fiberglass roof frame combined with the steel uprights helps give you a durable and stable tent. You will find it is ideal for any situation.

  • It offers superior interior
  • It comes with the best ventilation
  • The tent can hold up to different weather conditions
  • Folding it takes quite some time

Core 11 Person Family Cabin Tent with Screen Room

For its size, the tent stands out to be an excellent choice for family trips. The tent can fit 11 people, making it perfect even for large families. You can now take advantage of the floor space plus the screened porch to have a great time outdoors.

The model comes with an electrical access port. This is where you can feed a cable or extension cord through the access port to power the different electricals in the tent. You have a portable generator; you can connect to it through this access port.

The large screened porch has more space than you can enjoy. It can still work as sleeping quarters when you are not relaxing in it. Many love this screened porch for its panoramic views when taking their morning coffee out in the wild.

Having an advanced venting system is something significant you will enjoy about owning this type of tent. This is because the system is adjustable depending on your needs. Also, it is designed to improve general breathability inside the tent so that you do not have to keep the windows open even when it is chilly.

  • It is big in size to accommodate more people
  • It comes with an electrical access port
  • The screened porch has a nice panoramic view
  • The tent comes in limited color options

Outbound 8-Person Dome Tent for Camping with Screened Porch

One thing that makes this tent great should be the fiberglass frame system. Overall, you should find it is easy to set up and take it down. The fiberglass frame is also reasonable in terms of durability and remaining lightweight. You can easily take this tent with you on different trips without feeling it is too much weight to bear.

For the price, you are getting something roomy. This is because the tent can fit up to 8 people. You can easily set up different air mattresses, and it will work great to fit more people. The screened porch also gives you more space to relax as you take your coffee.

The model is also liked for being weather resistant. The manufacturer uses the heavy-duty 600mm coated rainfly with a front canopy. As such, you will always have the best water and weather protection.

To make it better, it will have welded leak-proof seams and a polyester bathtub floor designed to keep the water out. You can now camp outdoors without worries that your tent will easily get flooded.

  • It is lightweight and durable
  • The tent is weather resistant
  • It is easy to set it up and take down
  • Some feel the porch design is not the best

NTK INDY GT 5 Person Camping Tent

This is a top choice among the best tents with screened porch. The manufacturer made it quick and easy to assemble if you want to camp outdoors. The best part is that it has enough room for up to 5 people to sleep comfortably in it, even for its size.

The model is made using a double layer of rainfly to make it a waterproof tent to own. Even if it rains heavily, you can be sure that you will remain warm and dry inside without worrying too much about the rainwater.

The tent also comes with a thick nano-flex technology frame. This thick fiberglass pole will give you the best durability you have always wanted in a tent. You can be sure of a solid construction even when you use it in areas known to be windy.

The breathable micro mosquito mesh is excellent for those who might be in the market for a breathable tent. Since the bugs would not be able to get in, you are generally assured of the best performance. You can always enjoy using the tent for various outdoor camping sessions without worrying about the bugs.

  • It comes with a heavy-duty construction
  • It is designed for quick and easy assembly
  • The tent has a breathable micro mesh for breathability
  • Cleaning this tent is not easy


Are tents great for different weather conditions?

This is likely to depend mainly on the type of tent you buy. Make sure that it is rated for different seasons. This will allow you to enjoy camping regardless of the season.

Is it hard to set up or take down a tent with a screened porch?

It will depend on the design of the tent. Some models are effortless to set up and disassemble. Always check out the reviews to see if other people are experiencing problems with the same tent.

How good is the ventilation in tents?

Different models will come from other ventilation systems. A sound system will make breathability and ventilation in the tent great. You might have to go through the product description to learn more about the tent’s ventilation before buying one.


The best tents with a screened porch will improve your camping experience since you get more room and protection from bugs. You would undoubtedly want such a model that gives you more versatility. Also, the tent needs to be weatherproof. You are likely to encounter different types of weather, so you need the best protection. Pick any of the models we have reviewed above, as they are all good in terms of performance and durability.

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