Outdoor Gear Tents

Best Way To Stay Warm In A Tent: Helpful Tips

Camping is an outdoor leisure (and sometimes relaxed) practice, away from cities and towns and in the lap of nature, with fresh air and (sometimes) wildlife for the company. You can set up a tent or travel in a caravan, a camper van, or a motorhome while you’re camping. But the classic camping trip means placing everything in tents – and at the mercy of Mother Nature. Do you know the best way to stay warm in a tent?

Camping can be – and is generally – paired with other adventure sports, such as hiking/trekking, fishing, whitewater rafting, and kayaking, offering one the ultimate outdoor experience. It can be an individual activity, but it’s mostly done in the company of friends and family. It’s a pastime that the young and the old will enjoy. 

Camping is also a comfortable choice for music festivals or sporting events. Although camping has moved on from its rough-and-ready, back-to-natural roots, tough people are still willing to dig it out in the woods, no matter how conspiratorial the elements may be. But for couples with children in tow, camping is the ideal holiday activity.

Health Benefits Of Camping

best way to stay warm in a tent

Most people go on camping trips because they’re tired of the city or ready for an adventure. If you enjoy biking, hunting, or some other outdoor sport, camping offers you a way to fully concentrate on a hobby for a few days without outside distractions.

What you may not know is that camping will help you live a longer, healthier life. If you camp out frequently, the following will give you hundreds of major health benefits before you learn the best way to stay warm in a tent, learn why you should try out camping.

1. The Fresh Air

You take more oxygen when you spend time around a lot of trees. That feeling of satisfaction you get when you take the first breath of air at the campground isn’t all in the head — well, technically, it’s, but it’s the release of serotonin from extra oxygen. Your body will work with less pressure if there’s a lot of oxygen in it. This is not the only advantage of the fresh air. Research shows that some time outside will raise your blood pressure, improve digestion, and strengthen your immune system. If you spend a few days outdoors, you get some serious health benefits from extra oxygen and low levels of contaminants.

2. Socialisation

Camping alone is a lot of fun, but if you put a friend or family member along, you’ll have a special experience that will help you maintain a safe, happy relationship. According to studies reported in the American Journal of Public Health, socialization can increase your life span and delay memory disorders. Apart from medical benefits, a few close relationships make life more enjoyable. Invite a couple of friends on your next outing.

3. Moods Improved

Daily campers also speak about how the first few days back from the trip seemed better. It’s not without merit; spending some time out in the sunshine will make melatonin levels out of your brain. Melatonin is a chemical that makes you feel sleepy and can cause depression to experience better overall moods during and after your trip by camping.

4. Less Tension

Camping also helps you to deal with stress. Stress can adversely affect your health in just about any way you can, and you put far less stress on your mental and physical faculties by allowing yourself some stress-free camping time. The lack of stress is due to the increase in oxygen levels, the higher levels of serotonin, and the regulated levels of melatonin listed above. There’s also an emotional aspect at work here because it’s harder to be irritated or upset while you’re doing something you love.

5. Exercise

Don’t forget the most noticeable advantage of camping: you spend a lot of time doing physical activities. Also, if you’re on a fishing trip, you’re burning more calories than you’re consuming around the workplace, and whether you’re on a walk or a bike, you’re doing a cardiovascular workout that helps keep your heart and lungs safe. Your activity levels can vary, but hikers burn 120-300 calories per hour anywhere. Bikers burn 300-500 calories per hour, and fly-fishing can burn up to 200 calories per hour. No wonder you’re running on such an appetite on a long camping trip.

Best Way To Stay Warm In A Tent

Spring and fall are the perfect time to go camping. Even the winter has become a common time for campers with a little more nervousness. When camping in colder weather, you can save a lot of money on camping fees and have a totally different experience than camping in the summer. One downside is that you need to find out how to stay warm at night in your tent. The reality is that this is simpler than you would imagine.

Here are the best tips for keeping warm in the tent on a cold night. Learning is the best way to stay warm in a camping tent with this article.

The Best Bedding In A Tent For Cold Nights

Your bedding is the perfect way to stay warm in a tent, but do you know the best way to stay warm in a tent? A cold sleeping bag will give you a big advantage in keeping your camping warm for long, cold nights. Choose a sleeping bag built for colder weather than expected for full impact.

The way to get a cold-weather sleeping bag to keep me safe is to fill up the sleeping bag. You see, any room that is not filled inside the sleeping bag is filled with air. The air cools easily between the body’s heat and the sleeping bag’s edges. But there’s a way to address the issue.

Leave as little space in the sleeping bag as you can — the blankets inside the sleeping bag with you are a lot better than the blankets on top when it comes to keeping warm. Any blanket will do, but the choice of blankets made of wool, fleece, or down will be the warmest option.

You may also use a hot bottle of water to help keep your sleeping bag wet. Take an extra clean camping pillowcase put the clothes inside the pillowcase tomorrow night. Your clothes for the day will be warm when you wake up, plus they’ll take up, and if you work hard enough, you can even get ready without getting out of the warm sleeping bag!

Sleeping Clothing For The Cold Weather Tent

Although your sleeping bag is the most important tool to keep warm at night, you should sleep in layers to help protect your body from the cold.

Wear your hat to keep your head wet. You can also wear your gloves. This will keep you warm if you push your arm out of the sleeping bag; you need to get up and go to the bathroom at night. Some of the layers are stronger than others.

Often, Apply Layers To The Bottom Of The Shelter

Place the layers under your tent between you and the ground. Straw is one of the most common insulators in tents. It would help if you left it in your camping spot to decompose and feed the soil. Straw is an environmentally friendly alternative. If you want a reusable alternative, foam mattress pads are perfect for sleeping on and will put a layer of insulation between you and the ground to help keep you warm.

best way to stay warm in a tent

Please Fill Your Tent

A perfect way to stay warm in your bed is to share your bed. This will produce more body heat trapped in the tent to help keep you safe.

Instead of spreading your family out over a few tents, try to fit as many people as possible into the smallest tent that’s going to work. The closer your bodies are to sleep, the colder you will all be.

Cover The Tent

Attach a tarp or wind cover to your tent to help prevent the wind from getting in and learn how much heat the wind will suck out of your tent when it blows by.

Hold Your Head Covered And Your Feet Dry

Much of the heat comes from your body, from the bottom of your legs and the top of your head. To avoid this from happening, wear a dry, thick pair of hiking socks and a warm hat to the bed for extra insulation right where it counts. Don’t sleep in the socks you’ve been walking in, though, as sweaty socks are the ruiner of the night.

Designate a pair of sacred sleeping socks that will never leave the bottom of your sleeping bag to reduce the temptation to wear the same socks. Just roll them up and pack them in a sleeping bag in the morning. Getting a permanently dry pair of socks would give you something to look forward to at night.

Prep Your Clothes Tomorrow

  • Make it easy to start a warm day.

If the clothes you’re going to wear tomorrow are dry, put them in your bag. Add a few extra insulating layers to your sleep den. Plus, getting warm clothes to change into would make the whole thing more bearable — ready-for-the-day.

If your clothes are damp tomorrow, stop putting them in a corner where they hold the moisture and potentially freeze stiffly. Fan them on the floor of your tent or, if possible, hang them.

Change The Clothes Out Of Your Day

  • It’s easy to get lax about hygiene when you’re tired from a full day of hiking.

Even so, we find it a rule never to sleep in the dirty, wet clothes we used to move in. Besides being disgusting, your core body temperature can drop and make it hard to fall asleep.

Fluff The Sleeping Bag

The insulation can easily flatten when your sleeping bag is squinted into a compression bag for 16 hours a day. This can make even a 30F-rated bag feel cold in 60F weather.

As part of your bedtime routine, take the time to fluff your sleeping bag, shake up the internal insulation, and check to ensure it’s evenly distributed. If you have time in the morning or on sunny rest days, it can also be a good idea to let it dry in the sun.

The camping season is in full swing in the spring and summer for several people. All is waking up; the birds are coming back, the flowers are blooming, and the bees buzz. The planet is being resurrected! We can open our windows and dust from our tents to get ready for the first camping trip of the season.

However, these warmer days will always forget to remind their evening counterparts that it’s time to warm up! Imagine: You’ve just spent a beautifully warm day outside, sitting around a toasty fire, and now it’s time to get to your camping tent for a good night’s rest. But this is cold! Luckily, you’ve been trained, and this article will give you a great head start on how to stay warm in a tent.

Air Mattresses Are A Big No-no!

Many people want to bring a few creature comforts from home to make their camping trip as convenient as possible. Air mattresses are one of those comforts you always carry along, but it’s not the best choice if you’re trying to stay warm.

Air mattresses hang on to whatever the present air temperature is, but you will be struck by cold air from above and below if the temperature is below your comfort level. If you are taking an air mattress with you, remember to insulate! Use sleeping pads, mylar sheets, tarps, foam yoga mats, or even a pine needle bed under your tent where the mattress is placed.

Investing in a quality sleeping mat can not only save your room, but it can help keep you warm in your tent.

Keep Your Feet Dry And Wet

Don’t go to bed with wet socks, as mom always said. Actually, not many moms have probably ever said this, but it’s always a helpful piece of advice! Make sure your socks are absolutely dry until you get into your sleeping bag for the night. Even slightly damp socks will cause you to lose a lot of heat through your legs (remember, dampness is equal to coldness!!). We suggest that you have a pair of socks only for sleeping and put them on the right before you get to bed for the night.

It’s important to note that you don’t bundle too much to stop sweating. If you get too warm at night and start sweating, you can be sure to wake up cold and damp! Dress in layers that you can quickly remove from your pack.

Any campers may want to take a look at buying an elephant bag for camping. Elephant packs, or half packs, are like little sleeping bags for your legs. You slip your tootsies in, and you’re done!

best way to stay warm in a tent

Separate From The Ground Up

A sleeping pad is awesome, but sometimes it could need some help. A cold ground will suck the heat out of your body. Try putting a foam exercise mat under your sleeping pad to improve the heat retention in your tent.

Alternatively, put a sheet of leaves and pine branches under your sleeping surface instead of taking another pad with you. It’s not supposed to be too hard to find these out in the wild! If this is the case, you’re probably camping in the wrong place!

Wear The Knit Cap On The Bunk

Now, it might seem like a given, but put a knit cap on the bed. When the rest of your body is hidden, you will lose a lot of body heat from your head. Wearing a hat is a lot easier than pulling your head in your sleeping bag, too. Breathing in your sleeping bag can induce condensation, which, you guessed, contributes to dampness! And we know that you know what dampness is similar to right now!

Final Words

When you sleep in the tent on a chilly night, it’s easy to get cold and hard to warm up again. If you want to stay relaxed all night long, you need to prepare ahead and get the right supplies. The keys to remaining warm in the tent include adding breathable fabrics, reducing the penetration of cold air, and using warm items to your advantage.

There are many ways to keep your tent cozy. They all have their own tried and tested approaches that work for them. The list of tips here will set you a great way to get you started. Whether you’re getting ready to camp for the first time or you’re a seasoned pro, being prepared for any situation you could encounter is paramount to a great tent camping experience.

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