If you’re a veteran buck hunter or a newbie going to the woods for the first time, the tips below will help you see more success this season. Control of the scent is the most important element in hunting. Someday, when you have a little extra time on your hands, take a deep whiff of the scent that you really dislike. It could be a cigarette, a drain, a farm, or something. Now imagine that your sense of smell is 20 times better than it is. But if you could smell the farm smell, you hate from 100 yards away. You’d smell it from 2000 yards away just as obvious. Do you know how to keep deer from smelling you?
Know that a deer can certainly see you, particularly when you’re wearing a blaze of orange. Contrary to the belief of certain people, there is more evidence to support the view that a deer can see color than there is against it. Some people believe it was to encourage the use of an unpopular orange hunter’s garb. But human beings can certainly see it, that’s the point of it, so keep in mind that wearing orange blaze is healthy.
The Sense Of Smell For Deers
We hate to break this with you, but you’re a farm. You have to know how to keep deer from smelling you. A deer has the ability to smell 20 times as much as we do and can smell a human being a mile away. In addition, they can smell the smell on the ground and in the air.
When you walk, you leave your human smell behind on the ground and on the plants that you move through. This tells the Deer that you’re there and the time you got there (at the hour). This helps them to decide whether or not you are a threat, but bear in mind that they will immediately place you in the threat group during the hunting season. You should try wearing rubber boots instead of leather boots to avoid leaving a smell on the ground. Leather boots hold their smell and leave it to the ground as you walk. There’s nothing on rubber boots that has smells.
Spray the bottom of your boots with either the fragrance block or the deer urine. Make sure that if you use deer urine (Doe urine during the rut — otherwise, the scent block would be fine), it is a spray bottle that does not expose it to air because of the smell changes after about 20 minutes of exposure. A deer is going to “smell” a rat if you want to. If you spray your urine, do it after you spray the perfume stone, or it’s a waste of time and money. Currently, they can detect layers of perfume.
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If a deer can detect you in the breeze, it won’t come anywhere near you. To counteract this, take a shower in the morning of hunting with a scent block, and then dry yourself with a towel that wasn’t washed with scented detergents. Also, wash your hunting clothes with a scent block, then, in addition, spray yourself with more and more.
Any untouched perfume block will be detected. In addition, support yourself by paying careful attention to the direction of the storm. If you’ve got the wind on your back, you’re not going to see a deer in front of you. You want to be the downwind of your target area (your default fire line). Get a few sitting spots available, and you’re going to save yourself a lot of aggravations, and you might even see a deer.
Deer Hunting 101: Regulation Of The Smell
Scent control is a major topic of conversation among hunters around the world. This is a specific part of hunting where “common knowledge” has really changed over the last few decades.
As a bowhunter, you have to pay a great deal of attention to the specifics of the scent in the woods, considering the near proximity to the Deer. But all hunters are benefiting from a persistent fragrance control strategy.
Please note that the advice below relates to having and keeping as close to fragrance-free as possible. Therefore, at this time, we will not cover lures or scents.
Scent Theories: How To Keep Deer From Smelling You
We sometimes hear doubts about any of the methods listed below, or any attempt to regulate the scent of the matter. We’re going to discuss a couple of them to get started.
– “The Fragrance Regulation is a gimmick intended to sell more clothes and accessories.”
It is true that hunting has become a big industry, and there is room for discussion on the level of performance of some of the newer technologies. There is little question, however, that Deer has a highly developed sense of smell and that they use that sense as a primary defensive mechanism.
It is also in the best interest of the hunter to make every rational effort to eradicate the scent and to experiment with new items in order to find the best combination of methods and tactics.
– “I don’t do anything to control the smell, and I still see the deer.”
Congratulations — you’ve probably worked hard to improve the other skills required to hunt Deer effectively. However, we are going to bet that 99 percent of the Deer you see comes from a place where the wind is working to your direct advantage.
Moreover, depending on how sloppy you are in the fragrance department, deer senses and avoids you without ever being exposed to you. And you don’t even know what you’re missing.
– “People have been hunting successfully since the dawn of time, and they haven’t used all this material.”
It’s real. It’s also true that the Wright brothers learned to fly a plane. This does not mean that there have been no major technological changes. Today’s technology allows us to have greater perfume control advantages in order to enhance our harvesting opportunities. This is especially important in today’s hunting community, where trophy hunting has become such a priority.
In addition, hunting pressure has risen over the years due to a decline in deer habitat and a rise in the popularity of hunting. In high-pressure environments, you end up with Deer that is very leer and difficult to shoot. You need all the help that you can get.
- Here is the list.
– The Clothing: How To Keep Deer From Smelling You
This is an environment where you can reduce your fragrance profile dramatically. Standard detergents (like Tide, Win, etc.) clean your clothes but add fragrances that are not present in nature. Using scent-free detergents, keep your clothes clean without applying a deer-alert perfume.
Scent Killer, Scent-a-Way, Primos, and Dead Down Wind are some of the several hunter-specific fragrance-free detergent manufacturers. We’ve even heard of guys using combinations of baking soda and borax to make their own detergent, but we haven’t tried it on our own.
Try drying your clothes outside, on a clothesline, so as not to pick up smells from inside your dryer. The companies listed above also sell odor-absorbing sheets in the dryer.
We might take a beating for this advice, but we agree that activated carbon clothing removes enough fragrance to make it worthwhile. Activated carbon clothing is meant to absorb the smell to reduce the chances of detection. Scent-Lok and Scent Blocker are two common dress manufacturers. We use this type of clothing from head to toe, and we believe it helps to remove the smell. In fact, some people often use activated carbon headgear to minimize the smell of sweating or breathing.
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Recently, the cases have brought this technology into question. It seems that manufacturers and marketing departments may have overstated the efficacy of the technology, and it seems that the courts are going to reel their arguments in a bit. Although we do not believe that activated carbon is 100 % effective or the only required fragrance control tool, we do believe that it helps control the fragrance in combination with other techniques.
– Collection Of Clothes
It’s really necessary to have your clothes clean and smell free. It’s just as important to hold them that way. Zip-Loc makes extra-large bags that work well to keep your clothes sealed free from pollutants. After you wash and dry your hunting clothes, you can seal them in a Zip-Loc bag and place them in a Rubbermaid-type plastic tub.
There are also commercially available containers and rubber bags for this purpose. Hold your dry hunting clothes in the sealed container while they are not in use.
– Control The Fragrance Of Your Body: How To Keep Deer From Smelling You
Using scent-free body wash to clean up the body without breathing in unnecessary perfumes. What smells good to your wife is going to send out any downwind deer scattering. The same companies listed above sell products such as scent-free soap, shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, toothpaste, and even chewing gum.
Shower with fragrance-free items before each hunt. Some people also use these items solely during the hunting season to avoid any residual smell.
Evite Pollution: How To Keep Deer From Smelling You
This subject is linked to No. 8, but it is worth considering on its own. There is no need to use any of the strategies listed above if you plan to wear hunting clothes while having breakfast at the local dinner, pouring coffee on yourself, talking to your buddies while chaining smoking cigarettes, all before filling your truck with gas and then going out to hunt.
Obviously, life goes on outside the hunting area, but try to take fair care to avoid the odor on your way to the stand—small things like remembering to get gas the night before you will pay dividends during the search.
Keep your clothes locked in their fragrance-free containers before you enter your hunting area. Then get dressed outside to avoid contaminating yourself with the scent of the engine. This may sound weird or severe, but note, Deer, isn’t used to the “new car scent” air freshener or any of the other smells left in your pickup truck.
– Sprays: The Removal Of Sprays
Many of the companies listed above also manufacture odor-removing sprays for use in the field. These sprays use a number of technology to kill bacteria or otherwise restrict the amount of human smell that can be detected in animals. Spray liberally from head to toe after dressing to reduce any lingering smell on your clothes.
Helpful Steps To Deer Scent Controlling
Deer hunters, particularly bow hunters, know how hard it is to remain hidden from the Deer. Deer has excellent eyesight, much better hearing, and a beautiful smell. Here are some tricks that we use to keep Deer oblivious to your presence. Some of the tips can seem simple, but people still use them. Don’t know how to keep deer from smelling you, here’s what can help.
Phase 1: You Can’t Over-control The Smell
Deer can smell stuff 100 yards away that a person could barely smell right next to his nose. Wash your clothes in a special hunting soap that has no perfume applied—using smell killer body soap and deodorant before hunting. You can also store your clothes in an air-tight bin with oak leaves and pine needles to keep the scents out. It doesn’t hurt to leave the bin on the side or in the shed. Deer can smell your air, too. Minty toothpaste is going to scare Deer away just as much as your mourning breath does. We recommend that you eat an apple or an orange after you clean your teeth in mourning.
Phase 2: Deer See UV
When you’re buying scentless soap, make sure you buy any with no UV brighteners. Standard soap has a UV brightener that will make you shine like a deer.
Phase 3: Deer See Fun Colors
Deer see the colors on the lower end of the continuum. These colors include purple, blue, green, and probably colors that the human eye can’t see. Colors such as red and orange look black and gray. I’m not sure, to be honest, whether they can see the color of yellow. Deer do not see the orange blaze (which must be worn throughout the gun season) as orange. It comes in as gray to them, as ever. So, an orange camo helps break it down, so it’s not just a gray glob.
Phase 4: Don’t Use Pop Up Blinds
Box blinds that stay out of the hunting season are all right because they get used to the Deer. Pop-up blinds, however, which are supposed to be set up right before the hunt, scared the Deer, and even though its camo is still a large camo cube in the middle of the woods. You can try to cover them by placing them in a brush, but even then, the windows appear as black squares to the Deer. In our opinion, you’re better off with a natural blind.
Phase 5: Get To Know The Deer You’re Hunting
When the Deer you hunt see a lot of hunters, tree stands work well, so why would you hope to look up and see a person? Deer that are more pressurized, though, are used to hunters in tree stalls, and it is harder to coax with them. Often while hunting a very pressed deer, a pit blind is working. A pit blind positions you in the ground so that your head can see when you’re seated, and lets you have enough space to take the shot off when you’re standing. Pit blinds are hard to make sometimes, though, so natural blinds are a safe bet again. Another tip is the skirt of your tree with the camo burlap to the shadow movement.
Phase 6: Don’t Look Like A Human Being
Try to break up your human outline if you can. This is how the ghillie suits work. Ghillies suits look like a primate standing on two legs with arms and ears. They’re all looking like a glob. Another successful way to break up your outline is to wear a few different camo styles and labels. You can choose to wear desert storm fatigue pants with a practical forest camo coat and combat boots.
Phase 7: Just Look Like A Tree
Trees are rising up and down. The grass is rising up and down. Why would you look like a forest floor if you don’t want to lie on the forest floor? Look for a camo pattern with more vertical lines and shapes.
Final Words
When it’s cold, the Deer doesn’t eat as much, and they’re less involved. If it’s very cold, they’re going to go into the dense woods to avoid the cold winds. One thing is for sure, deer will still need water, so if you find their source of water, you’ll improve your chances of seeing Deer. Bucks mark their territories by scratching trees and bushes with their antlers and digging their hooves in the ground and then urinating. Tree scrapes are easier to locate. Just check for missing bark and scratch marks.
If you’re going to be on public property, do yourself a favor and find a position deep inside. 90% of hunters hunt within a few hundred yards of the access route. You certainly want to avoid crowds, because the more people there are, the less likely you are to see a deer. All the work you’ve done to set up a nice location, stay quiet, remove the smell, etc., is going to be for nothing if the guy 50 yards away doesn’t do the job. The Deer is going where the humans are not.
Realize that hunting is enjoyable, but actually having a deer is 33% hard work, 33% experience, and 33% luck. These tips can help you quickly learn the knowledge that took me years to learn. Well, good hunting.