Hunting Outdoor Adventures

How to Find a Good Deer Hunting Spot – Guide 2022

Deer hunting is the most common hunting activity within the United States. This activity entails performing the topmost challenge of looking for the right spot. Doing this will highly determine your hunting success. That’s why most expert hunters tell ways to find a . If you are going to hunt for a deer, especially a novice one, here are some essential tips to bear in mind.

Ways on How to Find a

Generally, preparation for your hunting activity is crucial for achieving a successful hunting experience. Along with this, finding a is one of the essential factors to consider. If you want to start hunting at the very beginning of the season, finding a at an early stage is highly beneficial.

Moreover, these ways to find a good deer hunting spot can assist you in determining the best areas to hunt. Aside from that, these can also be a big help in letting you learn the various things that you need once you are on the lookout.

Finding a Good Deer Hunting Spot: Start Early

When you want to look for ways to find a good deer hunting spot around March, you can do the actual hunting by November. That is a very early time to begin the ideal one yet to start planning your hunting activity.

Look for animal signs

Before finding a good deer hunting spot, it is better to check for any signs of deer within the area. Different animal signs are still visible to notice within this time, like scraps, bedding sites, and tracks. These are a good indication of where the deer will be located.

how to find  a good deer hunting spot

Also, during this time, you can find ways to find a good deer hunting spot close to the bodies of water or with the food sources of the deer. Remember that the deer come to their food sources most of the time. Meaning these areas are far better to spot and shoot deer. Below are some of the things that you should look for when you want to know the ways how to find a good deer hunting spot:


Trails are simple ways of showing the paths where deer travel the most. The moment you find a good trail, it is better to go back and refer to the map. However, consider using some skills to identify if the trail is worthy of both your time and attention.

There will be times that the trail is discoverable by simply following it. Sometimes, you may end up following food from unknown sources or other trails that intersect with each other. That’s why it is imperative to be careful because walking within the deer trail may contaminate the human scent. Generally, the best way to follow a trail is to go off one side.   


Deer are creatures with the most sedentary lifestyle among the animals in the wilderness. Despite being amazing athletes, they are fond of the bed down for their safety. Moving on their feet only takes a small part of their time of the day. And, once they’re moving around, they are just feeding on.

Generally, one best strategy for finding a good deer hunting spot is to locate the deer’s food source. Once you find them, you can automatically locate them. This four-legged animal likes to feed on easy meals such as the wide-open field of corn or wheat. Knowing this, you must track the deer’s directions as their pathway.

If you hunt deer within the forests or open fields, the activity becomes more complicated. This means that you need to look for natural food concentrations. Like humans, deer have their preferred foods, which vary in the region. That’s why it is pretty much essential to know the preferred food of the deer within your area of hunting.

Another complicated thing that may arise is changing food sources depending on the seasons. The most common flavors-of-the-month of this animal is apples, acorns, and persimmon. Once you find these delicacies within a specific source, you may probably get near a deer.


The primary goal of most deer hunters is the big bucks. Fortunately, the bucks may provide unique marks within the woods. If you generally know what you are looking for, you may successfully hunt a good one.


Generally, to find bucks, initially check for scrapes as they indicate their activity. However, sometimes, it might be questionable. The bucks utilize the scrapes as their communication pathway with the other deer in the wild via their scent. Bucks rub their nasal, forehead, and preorbital around hanging branches, leaving their musky smell.

Yet, some wildlife research shows that the buck scrapes are visited within the night most of the time. That’s why standing close to an active scrape will give you disappointment. Perhaps, buck scrape can offer you lots of helpful information.  

A scrape indicates that a buck is present within the area. Additionally, bear in mind that the initial scrapes being opened confirm the rut onset. If you notice that the scrape has a regular visit, it shows an increasing rutting activity. Remember that the bucks generally get careless during this activity, which is a better way to find a good deer hunting spot.


The bucks create these scratches once they rub their forehead and antlers within small trees. Yet, the deer also do this activity over the trees to show dominance. Unlike the scrapes, rubs are not usually revisited by deer. The similarity is that essential information regarding bucks within the area.

Rubs that have primarily been used for many years indicate the presence of significant and old bucks around. Moreover, the rub lines are also a good information provider, showing that a buck crosses that route. Combining this with other buck movement and food sources information can be an excellent way to find a good deer hunting spot.


Generally, a scat is not an absolute confirmation of the bucks’ presence. However, this may indicate that the deer already left them. Deer droppings behind big clumps, for example, reveal its deposition by a large deer. Yet, the said large deer could either be a big buck or an old doe.

Aside from the size of the deer that may cause a particular pile of poop, there is more detail behind here. Besides, the droppings close to the thick brush may mean a bedding area because the old deer usually defecate when they leave the beds.

Moreover, the tracks of the deer also offer helpful information, yet, learning to read them is a tricky part. In addition to that, another essential skill to look after is aging a track. Some tracks are already days old, showing the passage of deer unto it. Meanwhile, the fresh tracks give more value, indicating a deer is around the area.

Fresh tracks are usually characterized by sharp, clear corners free of debris and a little bit moist deep within. The bucks leave the most prominent tracks, which is a great opportunity. Yet, big tracks may not ensure vast numbers of a buck.     

Make use of maps

Yet, wherever you opt to hunt deer, this activity might involve a long and severe task. You can use a map to ensure that you are on track within the most optimal routes. Generally, you may find yourself like being a needle in the middle of the haystack once you locate deer within a public property of animals. Yet, scouting deer must not be a daunting task.

You can filter down your search before stepping out into the wilderness. Most old-school deer hunters generally use a folded topographic map to spread and meticulously study over the tabletop. They usually run their fingers over the terrain within the maps to vividly picture the woods. By simply looking on that piece of paper, they could already know how to find a good deer hunting spot by visualizing the bedding areas and movement of the deer.

Moreover, this process becomes more accessible and convenient for modern-day hunters. Through the help of the internet, instant access to detailed maps and images through aerial could be highly possible in any location. Most deer hunters who navigate the maps through the internet are very interested in using the satellite view. This view provides satellite images of the major roads and necessary details on the terrain, cover, and even food sources.

Another interesting idea that can help you find a good deer hunting spot and allow you to be a severe deer scout online is the use of Google Earth. This is a free app from the internet that provides more comprehensive information than the satellite view on the basic Google search. Moreover, Google Earth also has features like zooming in and changing the map perspective.

Study the terrain

One of the greatest influencers of deer hunting and deer movement is the topography. Again, with the help of technology via digital or basic paper maps, you can locate features that may affect the activity of the deer. Knowing how to find a good deer hunting spot might need you to look for the following features:


The ridges over the top of the mountain are dangerous spots for the deer. This is because they are evident on the skyline due to their outline. That’s why the deer are fonder of using ridges within the natural saddles to stay and hide better. Generally, if you use this spot on hunting deer, it may increase the possibility of seeing the whitetails.


The elongated strip within the low land between higher areas is hollow. Within the flatlands, the presence of the hollow could mean simple drainage. Yet, within the high mountains, these hollows are given great importance. They generally serve as a channel for traveling animals from the higher areas of bedding going down to the lower feeding ground. The other term for this area is known as the gullies.


Dips and depressions are generally common within the Eastern flatlands or the Midwest plains area. So, if you would be hunting for deer within these regions, it is better to look for ditches or low spots. Traveling a ditch line is one of the standard practices of deer hunting.


The power lines are essential for areas with thick woods, especially for rifle hunters. It is in the green grass and other meadows plants where deer feed most of the time. Since the power lines are widely open, hunters can view and take unhindered shots.

how to find a good deer hunting spot

Yet, most hunters prefer to travel on trails traversing the parallel to the open power lines for them to hide while having a clear vision of the possible danger. However, standing on the parallels is an excellent opportunity to dig in for many bowhunters.  

How to Find a Good Deer Hunting Spot: The Appropriate Tree

This is a simple step to take into account. Yet, you must ensure that the tree is somehow sturdy enough and healthy as well. Moreover, also guarantee that the tree can support the weight and the stand simultaneously.

In addition to that, bear in mind that the trees and other plants may not disturb your vision. That’s why it is crucial to look for ways how to find a good deer hunting spot by picking a place that needs minimal removal of branches in creating a shooting lane.

Make a better shooting lane

A good shooting line is amazingly essential when you know how to find a good deer hunting spot. The shooting lane and the good deer spot are two factors that directly relate to each other. Ensure that during the hunting activity, you are well hidden aside from the fact that there are no trees or branches that may disturb your vision.

But, you can alter the surrounding a pretty little so that the shooting line would be clear. Just ensure that the alteration is not significant enough to scare off the deer. But, bear in mind that the alteration can alert the animals about the activities of the intruders within the particular area.

If you opt for a successful hunting experience, try to go on a spot that needs just a tiny modification. Or, as much as possible may not look odd or different place for the deer. These things will also help not to scare them off.    

How to Find a Good Deer Hunting Spot: Look for a Safe Area

Generally, deer hunting is a safe sport, but it doesn’t mean that you do not need to be extra careful in your activities. Suppose you are looking for ways to find a good deer hunting spot, ensure that the area is on a steady spot. If you find a site that seems to have different hazardous animals aside from deer, try looking for another area that is safe to spot.

Check for the wind direction

Knowing how to find a good deer hunting spot also entails looking in the direction of the wind. This is also an essential factor to consider in terms of safety that you may not have to overlook. Remember that deer and other animals have a high sense of smell which they use to identify the presence of their predator.

Once the wind is blowing towards the area of the deer, the wind may carry your scent. This will alert the animals during this kind of hunting activity. That’s why it is better to go after an area where the wind is blowing towards you and not the animals.

Moreover, one important thing to consider this way is how to find a good deer hunting spot is to mask or cover your scent before stepping out on the terrain. Wear hunting gears that are scent-free. And, as much as possible, do not use any deodorant as you hunt.

Stay away from toxic plants

Another thing to consider safety during your hunting process is to find a good deer hunting spot that does not have any poisonous plants. Keep in mind that plants such as poison oak, poison ivy, or even thorny bushes may cause sickness to humans. Aside from that, remember that animals, including deer, will not go near the areas that may generally reduce your hunting productivity.

Finding a Good Deer Hunting Spot: Talk with the Locals

Another meaningful way to find a good deer hunting spot is to connect with the locals. This should include the other hunters and the farmers and ask them for a particular area where they see bucks within the previous weeks. Moreover, individuals working on the land daily have more knowledge about the bucks’ activity within the site.

Final Thoughts

Finding a good deer hunting spot is a big help in achieving a successful hunting experience. It entails various strategies and techniques to find a perfect place to see your target. Generally, you must plan and start early to keep track of those bucks.

Aside from that, it would help if you also looked for the right tree and a safe area to hunt into. Talking with the locals is another good way to gather your objectives. So, if you strictly follow these tips and strategies, you may have a successful deer hunting experience.

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